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Webinar Recording: Back to Basics (Webinar Bundle)

Velg Training


Recorded on the 8th, 15th and 22nd April 2024 this 3-part series unpacked what it means in practice, to implement a system that ensures that assessment is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence.

Please note that the revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations were publicly released on 1 October 2024 and will come into full regulatory effect from 1 July 2025.

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 will continue to apply until then.

This webinar recording refers to, and is based on, the requirements for the current regulatory environment.

Topic overview:

Webinar 1 - Understanding the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence

Clause 1.8 (b) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 requires the RTO to implement an assessment system that ensures that assessment (including recognition of prior learning) is conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence. 

This session looked at what this means in practice!

Webinar 2 - How Does a Unit of Competency Really Work?

This webinar explored  the fundamental components of a unit of competency to remind us about the way we should really look at a unit.

A unit is a standard. It is not a set of teaching notes or an assessment method! It is not a “what do I do on Monday” statement.

It defines, and suggests a way of measuring, “competence” with regard to a specified job role/function.

This webinar answered the question: How does a unit of competence really work?  

The webinar used actual unit components and actual assessment items throughout to illustrate points made.

Webinar 3 - Assessment: The Big Picture

Sometimes we get so caught up in the details we forget about the “big picture”.

Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved. Competency means the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments. (Adapted from Standards for RTOS (2015), Glossary)

What was covered in the session:

Webinar 1 - Understanding the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence

  • What does each of the principles of assessment mean?
  • How are the principles of assessment built into assessment tools and how are they evidenced?
  • How are the principles of assessment applied to other parts of the assessment system such as review and validation of assessment materials?
  • What does each of the rules of evidence mean?
  • How do you ensure that your assessment tools will produce evidence that satisfies the rules?
  • How do the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence apply to a "recognition of prior learning (RPL)" assessment process?

Webinar 2 - How Does a Unit of Competency Really Work?

  • Why? How do these two parts work together?
  • What are the components of each of these parts?
  • How do the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence apply to the construction and use of the unit?

Webinar 3 - Assessment: The Big Picture

  • What is the purpose of assessment?
  • What types of assessment exist?
  • Where do formative” and “summative” assessment fit?
  • What are the features of competency-based assessment?
  • What is evidence and how is it collected and judged?
  • What are assessment methods and assessment tools and assessment instruments
  • What is the assessor’s role in the assessment process?

Webinar content targeted towards:

  • RTO/Compliance Managers
  • Trainer/Assessors
  • Heads of Faculty/Department/Area Managers
  • Curriculum Developers/L&D Managers

Webinar duration:  4.5 hours

Bio of presenters:

John Dwyer is a national VQF/AQTF trainer/assessor and consultant with experience in education and training spanning more than 60 years. He brings extensive Registered Training Organisation (RTO) experience and has a comprehensive history in developing and delivering a range of workshops and webinars on assessment, compliance, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), moderation and validation processes relating to VQF/AQTF compliance.

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