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  Monitoring Attendance is Easy - Eliminate friction for faculty and students

Taking attendance manually has proven historically challenging, time-consuming, and error-prone. But, it can be easy. If you attended the National VET Conference, you saw just how easy attendance tracking can be. Each time you tapped your name badge when entering a session, your attendance was tracked.

  Remote Learning Courses Free Until September 30th 2020

The Learning Resources Group would like to try and help the VET Sector in our own small way so here it is - Remote Learning Courses Free for 6 months. No gimmicks, no tricks, no obligation. Free for everyone. Just our way of helping.

  #2021NVC: RTO Administration Essentials

This year's National VET Conference enables you to select areas of learning that are of value to YOU and your professional development experience. This week we take a look at some topics that enable you to consider those administration practices essential within RTOs ....

  Let's Lead Our Assessment Validation Activities The Right Way!

There is no-one better to guide you through this process but Marc Ratcliffe, CEO of MRWED. In the last of our National VET PD Week series of webinars, this one is not to be missed and an essential session supporting lead validators and validators who work as part of a validation team.

  National Careers Institute: This is what we heard

To ensure the NCI is able to most effectively support the VET system, the Australian Government undertook an extensive co-design consultation process with stakeholders across Australia. Click the link below to access the report titled 'This is what we heard' which summarises the outcomes of this process.

  ADCET: Microsoft’s Inclusive Classroom (webinars & resources)

The Inclusive Classroom was a series of webinars aimed at improving knowledge of Microsoft accessibility tools. The sessions were delivered by Troy Waller, learning delivery specialist and accessibility lead for Microsoft Australia Education. The diversity of learning needs of students requires schools, VET and Universities to provide inclusive and accessible learning environments that inspire confidence and encourage independence differently for each student.

  TAC: TAC Talk - Ep 6 Who is TAC and What is its Role?

Join both the Chairperson of the Council, Anne Driscoll and A/Director Training Regulation, Lisa Barron for this podcast that discusses the role of the Council and its guiding principles, why WA has a State based VET Regulator and insights into TAC's regulatory functions and current strategy.

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  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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