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  NCVER: VET Funding

Data from the National VET Funding Collection provides information on the flow and distribution of government contributions that stimulate or support publicly-subsidised vocational education and training (VET) activity in Australia.

  VET Legislation and Frameworks

There are various pieces of legislation, guidelines and benchmarks that govern training and assessment activities, and VET practitioners need to understand these requirements.

  Updates from the National VET Regulator

ASQA’s recent updates include information on recent submissions, cancellation of qualifications and an update to the Users’ Guide to the Standards for RTOs 2015.

  Updates from the National VET Regulator

The Australian Skills Quality Authority regulates Australia’s Vocational Education and Training sector. Read about recent announcements and regulatory updates here.

  • Relevant events See all
  • This 1.5 hour webinar is from our suite of Your Way offerings. Gain insights into practical ways to create an inclusive learning environment for neurodiverse students and the broader benefits of integrating neurodiversity awareness and support into their RTO and programs.

    PD Your Way 

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