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Students undertake VET at school for a range of reasons but mostly to gain a qualification and find full-time employment after school, according to a new report recently released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
NCVER's Managing Director, Simon Walker said "The research shows that VET can assist secondary school students seeking early entry into the labour market, including getting into an apprenticeship. It also shows that there are a wide range of reasons why school students choose VET, and that students studying VET at school is not a homogenous group, with many students studying VET as part of, or complementary to, an ATAR pathway."
The report reveals that the number of students studying VET as part of their Senior Secondary School Certificate has ranged from about 230,000 to 260,000 over the past 10 years. In 2020, Certificate II qualifications were the most popular (131,220 students) followed by Certificate III (88,720). However, Certificate III qualifications have significantly increased in popularity over the last few years.
Further, the research shows that a significant proportion (41%) of senior secondary school students studying VET were also looking to obtain an ATAR. Over two-thirds of this cohort indicated that they planned to use their VET studies to count towards their ATAR.
School-based apprentices and trainees represent a small proportion (7.4% in 2020) of VfSSS, most common in business services, retail services, and tourism, travel and hospitality.
There are varied and differing perceptions among industry and employers on the benefits and challenges for students undertaking VfSSS studies, with a general acceptance that having school students in workplaces helps engage students in the industry and gain experience and knowledge. While industry values and supports VfSSS, some concerns were raised around the relevance and suitability of the VET programs being offered, and the quality of training being delivered to achieve the level of occupational knowledge required.
"There is general support and interest in VET undertaken at school from parents and industry, and a broad acceptance that having school students in workplaces helps students gain experience and knowledge." Mr Walker said, "There are also some challenges for schools in providing a full range of options and meeting the expectations of industry, as they navigate their role as ‘dual-sector’ institutions. The research reveals some useful guidance and success factors for schools in meeting these challenges."
The research finds that schools with successful VfSSS display a strong commitment to VET, a broad range of offerings, good relationships with employers and access to purpose-built facilities for training. Case study data also finds that the key challenges for schools includes recruiting teachers with industry expertise, and ensuring that teachers maintain their industry currency.
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Date posted Oct 21, 2021
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